Patient Demographics
32 Patients
Average age: 67 ± 14 years
SVS WIfI High Risk
Measure of wound/ischemia/foot infection severity

Less Severe
More Severe
Rutherford Class 5
Rutherford Class 6
No-Option CLTI
24-Month Outcomes1
Amputation-Free Survival (AFS), Survival, Freedom from Amputation (FFA)
6 Months
AFS = 84%
Survival = 94%
FFA = 87%
12 Months
AFS = 71%
Survival = 84%
FFA = 80%
24 Months
AFS = 67%
Survival = 80%
FFA = 80%
Complete Wound Healing
Procedural Success
Months Median Time to Wound Healing