A proof-of-concept and safety study of the LimFlow System has been carried out in Changi General Hospital in Singapore. This pilot, prospective, open-label, single-center, single-arm study included seven independently-assessed, end-stage CLI patients with no remaining conventional surgical or endovascular options. Patients were enrolled between September 2013 and November 2014. The study results were published at the Journal of Endovascular Therapy (JEVT) in July 2017.
Patient Demographics
7 Patients, No-option CLTI
Average age: 85 years old
*WIfI Wound Ischemia Foot Infection
Primary Endpoints1*#
30-Day Outcomes
Technical Success
**MALE (Major Adverse Limb Event) defined as major amputation or major surgical intervention on index limb
Secondary Endpoints1
Limb Salvage1
Wound Healing1
Tissue Perfusion2
LimFlow Clinical Results
Figure 1: Pre- and Post-procedure angiograms in pilot study


34 Weeks Post-LimFlow