A Life With CLTI
Living with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) that progresses to CLTI is challenging. Life revolves around chronic leg pain that can become unbearable over time. The end stage of the disease is characterized by non-healing foot ulcers that considerably lessen mobility and quality of life.
Finally, and often after several medical interventions, the result is major amputation of the lower leg to resolve chronic pain and non-healing wounds, or to prevent progression of gangrene and sepsis. Major limb amputation is a drastic, life-changing step, and LimFlow was designed to provide a new option for these patients.
About Amputation
Every 2 Minutes a Leg is Amputated1,2
(In U.S. and Europe)
(In U.S. and Europe)
35-45% of Patients Go Straight to Amputation Without CLTI Diagnosis1,3

Once Amputated
Die Before Leaving Hospital4
50% of patients with amputation secondary to PAD die in 12-24 months5
20-37% Have Major Complications4
$794,000+ Lifetime Direct Healthcare Costs per Patient6
19+ Hospital Admissions/Year3
CLTI Leads to Poor Quality of Life

Quality of Life for No-option CLTI Patients Worse than Other Major Diseases7

PCS (Physical Composite Score) from the SF-35 Quality of Life Instrument, a common quality of life measurement.
CLTI is a Global Problem
Individuals Suffer from CLTI1,4,8,9
New "No-option" CLTI Patients Diagnosed Each Year10,11
(In U.S., Europe and Japan)
(In U.S., Europe and Japan)
Current CLTI Treatment Outcomes Are Variable